Start from here
Unlocking the Bootloader
This guide will explain the first step into the world of Lumia modding. This is needed in order to install any other supported OS on your Lumia, like Windows 10 or Windows 11.
Open GuideInstall Windows
This is step 2. After you've unlocked your phone with WPInternals, you can choose one of these two guides to install Windows On ARM, 10 or 11, on your Lumia.
Install with WoaDeployer
This tool will help you install Windows On ARM easily, and choose your own build to use. This method allows you to use Dual Boot. You can choose any version of Windows, 10 or 11, as long as you have an ARM64 build of it.
Open GuideFlash a premade FFU
This is a fast, but manual way to install Windows on ARM on your Lumia. You'll use a premade FFU file.
Open GuideExtras
How to create an ISO file to deploy
Here's how to get the entire ISO and install.wim file needed by WOA Deployer. This guide will use
Open GuideRevert back to Windows 10 Mobile
Got tired of WOA, or want to start from scratch? We've got you covered!
Open GuideActivate Windows
Windows On ARM doesn't get automatically activated anymore when you deploy it. Here's how to activate it.
Open GuideManually Enable Calls
On builds newer than 18363 you'll need to manually enable calls, because they won't work out of the box.
Open GuideEnable Dual Boot
If you have deployed using WoaDeployer, follow this guide to enable dual boot.
Open Guide